The impossible in the past becomes possible now as medical being subdivided and specialized. Especially, a branch of anus has shown the marked improvement for 25 years. |
Even though certain disease such as hemorrhoids, anal fissure, or anal fistula is very serious so the disease is relapsed several times, if the lesion caused by the disease is removed and the doctor operates on it very carefully and exquisitely, the patient can obtain permanent relief without receiving treatment as in inpatient or outpatient. |
Bailey M.D. who was a chairman of American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons a few years ago said in the preface of his book ‘The medical book about anorectal surgery’ that patients had to enter a hospital in the evening right before surgery and received treatment as in inpatient for average 7 days after surgery in 1973, but most patients can go back home within 4 hours after surgery now. |
Since the patient can go home on foot, he/she who is shy can guard own privacy. Also the patient can go to work the following day right after surgery as using only a day off because the patient can recover the health without outpatient treatment. |
Even if the patient go abroad or have a job that he/she have to lift up very heavy things, he/she can do these things after just 3~4 days. |
The full remission rate is very high. That the disease related to anus is difficult to obtain permanent relief is wrong common sense. The full remission rate of hemorrhoids surgery is up to 98~99.5% by Mazier, M.D. Anal fistula’s is 98.6~100% by Henry M.D. and Gingold M.D. Anal fissure’s is 98.8~100% by Romano M.D. and Owa Divino M.D. |
If you are concerned about the complications and side effects like scatacratia by sphincter damage after surgery in anal fissure and anal fistula surgery, you can be in full remission without worrying about side effects of scatacratia if operated by the surgery method which helps prevent sphincter functions. |